Kevin Durant Argues Against NBA Adopting More FIBA Rules

Kevin Durant

Kevin Durant is getting into with fans on Twitter again.

His latest back-and-forth stems from the fact that every time there’s a major international basketball tournament, American fans are reminded that a completely different type of basketball exists outside of the NBA.

This tends to prompt a whole lot of discussion on social media about whether the NBA should consider adopting some of FIBA’s rules, with a common wish from fans being reduced timeouts in the NBA to let play flow with fewer interruptions.

But Durant isn’t so sure that the people asking for rule changes have any idea what they’re talking about.

Here’s his recent exchange with a fan on Twitter (X):

Twitter user: Please @NBA adopt more @FIBA rules and let us see the best really think the game and play the game like it’s meant to be played

KD: I swear yall just be yappin. What rules u wanna see man?

Twitter user: I want to see the 3 seconds back and that’s it…. you disagree? More movement less ISO / Quicker Decisions – keep 3s the same as NBA – Can’t knock off the rim (that’s dumb)

KD: If u want to eliminate defensive 3 seconds then the games will be slower.

Twitter user: I don’t disagree with that (i’m 40 so i’m late 90s basketball lo) … but more schemes & quicker decisions offensively not as much holding NBA is fine man lol it’s the best product in the world with the best players PERIOD – would love to see it … i’m watching yall do it now

KD: The beauty of basketball is not callin all them sets but playing off instincts and lettin the talent dictate the game..gettin out in transition, driving and kicking, playing random basketball. U want a trick play every possession like it’s football. That’s not why our game is beautiful

Twitter user: That works when your team is stacked 1-5. It does ‘t work when you need to get the best out of every player on the floor in different aspects (screens, passes, cuts) when your team has guys all playing roles, you need play calling.

KD: Random basketball!! U not comprehending what I’m saying. U can RANDOMLY set a screen, RANDOMLY back cut, RANDOMLY make a pass to the open man. Focus on what I’m saying.

As always, Durant is not afraid to speak his mind.

READ MORE: Kevin Durant Explains Viral Video of Him in the Club
