Bill Simmons is the subject of intense criticism today, with a controversial old article of his doing the rounds on social media.
In the article, published on ESPN’s website almost 20 years ago, Simmons suggested the WNBA’s ratings were struggling because the players lacked sex appeal.
Here’s an excerpt from Simmons’ piece:
“Well, the vast majority of WNBA players lack crossover sex appeal,” Simmons wrote. “That’s just the way it is. Some are uncomfortably tall and gawky, while others lack the requisite, um, softer qualities to captivate males between 18 and 35. The baggy uniforms don’t help. Neither does the fact that it’s tough for anyone to look attractive at the end of a two-hour basketball game.
Then again, maybe these realities don’t matter as much as one would think, because Sue Bird is downright adorable — even when wearing Rip Hamilton’s Schnozzaroo — and I wouldn’t watch 10 minutes of a WNBA game because of her. If Sue was walking around at the ESPYs in a cocktail dress, I’m watching. If she’s running a pick and roll with Lauren Jackson, I’m flicking channels. And according to sagging attendance, I’m not alone.”
The old article re-surfaced the same day that former ESPN writer Ethan Sherwood Strauss said on Simmons’ podcast that WNBA teams should have the same names as their NBA counterparts, instead of “forcing” people to learn WNBA team names. Simmons was on board with Strauss’ take.
The end result of all this — the old article and the recent team name comments — has been a whole lot of outrage. The Athletic’s Nicole Auerbach and The Denver Post’s Sarah Kelly were among those to speak out.
Here’s a taste of what went down on Twitter (X) today:
fever, sky, aces – all very difficult words to learn
— Nicole Auerbach (@NicoleAuerbach) May 8, 2024
In a just world Bill Simmons would never be allowed to write or podcast or even publicly speak about women’s sports ever again.
— sarah kelly (@thesarahkelly) May 8, 2024
Solid guess here that more young basketball fans now know the team name “Fever” more than they ever knew the name “Pacers.”
— Amy McGrath (@AmyMcGrathKY) May 8, 2024
it's honestly incredible that two men who have spent their entire careers overwriting about basketball by many thousands of words can claim to not have the ability to remember 12 additional nouns
— Emma Carmichael (@emmacargo) May 8, 2024
I’m all for welcoming new fans to women’s sports but the guys who wanna change names, lower rims & relate everything to men’s sports can kick rocks.
Women’s sports are their own awesome thing (with their own team names!). Get on board or don’t, just don’t get in the way.
— Sarah Spain (@SarahSpain) May 8, 2024
okay besides the large dose of misogyny here … W Pacers is one of the worst naming ideas ive ever heard
— whitney medworth (@its_whitney) May 8, 2024
this is why Bill Simmons makes me fuckin nuts. he can commit to memory 32 NFL team names, 30 NBA team names, 30 MLB team names, 32 NHL team names, over 100 college team names, but ask him to learn a dozen WNBA team names and suddenly "too hard, brain no work good"
— Nacho Enthusiast (@Nachosandchill) May 8, 2024
A large part of Bill Simmons’ legacy as a legitimate trailblazer in sports blogging is his normalization of misogyny — within that, some absolutely heinous WNBA hate — for a whole generation that utilized the internet as a primary source for its sports opinions.
— Myles
(@MylesEhrlich) May 8, 2024
I'm proud that Bill Simmons blocked me in 2010.
Can you imagine being so lazy that 12 team names are too hard to remember? And how long has the WNBA been around? *Now* you're finding it difficult? Oh, right, because you ignored its existence for the past 28 years.
— Stacey with an e (@StaceGots) May 8, 2024
People are starting to look through Bill Simmons’ troublesome past statements, columns, & general bullshittery?
— (@FlatcapGK) May 8, 2024
How shocking that @BillSimmons has an awful sexist boomer take on the WNBA
Ethan Strauss and Bill state WNBA teams should be named same as NBA teams (like “W Pacers”) bc it’s too hard to learn the name Fever. How do so many losers get so popular?
Chris Leeper
(@RoseBug_22) May 8, 2024
Remember when his daughter was born Bill said his main job as a father was to keep her off the pole. Joking or not that tells you about him.
— kevin shea (blue check mark) (@kevinmshea58) May 8, 2024
That's Ethan Strauss and Bill Simmons, admitting to the world how difficult it is for them to learn 12 additional words
— (@ThadOchocinco) May 8, 2024
You can keep your groundhogs, the real indicator of spring is bill simmons having very loud and bad takes on women’s hoops
— Kevin (@WHWKevin) May 8, 2024
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