J.R. Smith and George Karl Beef Reignited on Twitter

Even though George Karl hasn’t coached J.R. Smith for 12 years, there are definitely still some hard feelings between the two.

Smith threw shade on his former Nuggets coach on JJ Redick’s Podcast The Old Man and the Three this week.

“We didn’t have one out-of-bounds play, my whole time playing for this man,” Smith said.

The 2013 NBA Coach of the Year saw the video and responded in the most perfect way.

“I’m happy for @TheRealJRSmith these days with his education, golf etc,” Karl tweeted. “And he’s the second best athlete I coached after Shawn! Re: out of bounds plays, I’m sure JR was smoking weed when we practiced them but it’s 15 years ago so let’s just celebrate and move forward!”

After Smith saw the tweet, he blocked Karl, who made it known to everyone while teasing two-time NBA champion Smith.

“This is JR with his passive aggressive BS,” he wrote. LOL!

These two have had their fair share of beef in the past. In 2016, Karl called Smith an “AAU baby” and labelled him “entitled” in his book.

He didn’t hold back and also wrote that Smith carried “a huge sense of entitlement, a distracting posse, his eye always on the next contract and some really unbelievable shot selection.

“When we traded J.R. in 2011, I was disappointed that I hadn’t helped a clearly talented player advance his game more.’’

Smith responded to this at the time by tweeting: “Still trying to be relevant. Sad just sad.”

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Can’t wait to see what happens next between the pair.

Read more: Trust Never Rebuilt After Draymond Compromised Warriors’ Season: Steve Kerr
