Kenneth Faried Says The Nets Lied To Him About Playing Time

Honesty wasn't the policy at the bk nets

Kenneth Faried was just bought out after playing only nine games for the Brooklyn Nets in what was a disappointing side-quest in his NBA career.

During his short time in Brooklyn, Faried has claimed he was misled with “false statements” by Nets staff, according to the New York Daily News.

“It’s very frustrating,” Faried said. “A lot of, ‘We’re going to play you when there are injuries’ and a lot of, ‘We’re going to play you when this moment, that moment,'” Faried said.

“Just tell me when you’re going to play me or tell me if you don’t want to play me. Tell me if you want me here or not, because I’m a real honest player, I’m going to give you my heart, give you my all.”

This ultimately led to him losing trust in the franchise and motivation to play for them.

“There was a lot of beating around the bush as to why they wouldn’t play me,” Faried continued. “So it was like, if we figure something out then let’s immediately make that move. Because I don’t want to hinder y’all and y’all hindering my career.”

The lack of clarity around his role and playing time led to a deal with the Houston Rockets.

Faried is barely a week into his time at the Rockets, and he’s already much happier with the honesty from coach Mike D’Antoni.

“Mike told me right away to my face, ‘hey you’re not going start right away, we’re going to have Nene start, but you’re going to play. So be ready to play. And you may play a lot of minutes, because we need you out there.’ And I respected that because he told me the truth and kept it real.”

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As it turns out, honesty really is the best policy.

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